Functions and technical information
The website “Frauen an der hfg ulm” (Women at the hfg ulm) is written for ‘Netscape’ and 'Internet Explorer' browsers and for ‘Macintosh’ as well as for ‘PC’ (for resolution see below). Considerable changes on the display of older or different browsers are possible. Whether future technological developments will change the rendition, cannot be predicted but will be controlled regularly.
Monitor Resolution
The website “Frauen an der hfg ulm” ist written for two different monitor resolutions: 800:600 and 1024:768. In case you want to look at the site in a different resolution from this one, close
the browser, change the monitor resolution, open the browser anew and enter with the address
Users that have not activated JavaScript, after activating the upstream address browser test are asked to activate JavaScript on their computers together with the corresponding instructions. If, because of the absence of technical equipment JavaScript cannot be activated, the users are guided to a page with the project description “Frauen an der hfg ulm”. Over a contact button it is possible to apply for a printed version planned in the future. The following pages of the website cannot be looked at without JavaScript.
Picture credits
We asked for information material, especially illustrations, free of rights of third parties. On many of the illustrations given us by former students and staff there was no information about the sources and/or photographers. This material belonged to their private photographical collection and complemented the description of their vita, their time at the hfg ulm and their later personal history. On spite of our inquiries they could often not be identified.
Alongside with the principal navigation on the left side of the monitor, there is the A- to Z-navigation. This navigation includes the list of the women, whose surname begins with the corresponding letter.
Some pages are not accessible over these two navigations. They contain special aspects or deeper information about subjects that can be steered at with the navigation. They belong to closed themes and inside these they are linked with one another. As soon as this website will be completed further, these pages will be found by entering search terms in the “Glossary”.

The display on the lower status bar of your monitor indicates where, i.e. to which contents the link touched by mouse will guide you.
Page printout
Numerous texts in this website are lengthy due to reasons of their contents. Therefore it takes an effort to read them on the monitor. Through a correspondent link on the respective page they can be printed.
Actual situation
The site is in its beginning phase. Irrespective of the reasons named in the preface, we, the women responsible for the project, unfortunately have not been able yet to treat numerous themes sufficiently and/or prepare information material adequately for the net. We will reassume and implement this work in irregular intervals.
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